5 Ways To Improve Your POS Strategy. Marketing professionals in the retail industry have to balance their efforts between perfecting the user experience and user interface of websites and mobile applications and perfecting and streamlining point-of-sale design to improve the in-store shopping experience for guests. If you’re facing this challenge, and you’re not seeing an effective return on your in-store point-of-sale design efforts, then read on. Here at Butler Merchandising Systems, we understand great point-of-sale design and we’ve put together this list of five common missteps retailers and marketers make when implementing their marketing strategy.
Flat, uninteresting, bland displays invoke the same emotions in customers who see them. Be vibrant in choosing your color scheme, and think about the point of sale display as an installation rather than a poster or sign. You want to think about depth, height, and interactiveness. The store is a cityscape, and displays that can be seen to rise above the shelving or extend out into the aisle become destinations rather than becoming lost in the background.
When possible, it’s a great strategy to incorporate the ability to interact with your product, rather than just put it on display. Tasting stations, dynamic displays that allow you to use a product, dynamic mannequins posed appropriately to clothing, and even video elements showing your product in action are all great ways to incorporate interactive elements into your point-of-sale design.
While interactive displays can be very effective, it’s important to balance point-of-sale design in a way that draws the shopper in rather than overwhelming them with information that clutters otherwise effective designs. Cluttered and complicated displays can be eye-catching in the wrong way and cause shoppers to steer clear of the display altogether. Instead, design with a focal point in mind, and build the display to draw the shopper to the focal point.
Oftentimes, retailers mistakenly deploy products decoratively in ways that make it hard to find the product in the store, identify the price, or even use items that aren’t for sale in the store. This can be confusing and frustrating to shoppers. The purpose of a point-of-sale design should be to entice and attract to highlight specific products for purchase. A great way to accomplish this is to display items in use and surround the display with the items and associated products. Your goal is to not only show the customer what they should buy, but how to use it and what else they might need in the process to create value.
Poorly designed and implemented point-of-sale designs that result in a messy and disorganized retail space can work against you. Messy can be misinterpreted as cheap and low quality. It can also make the space hard to shop in, and ultimately push customers away. Imposing strong design and display standards on vendors, and holding them to the standards, sets the tone and ensures your retail space matches your vision and sales goals.
Many other possible mistakes can be made in point-of-sale design and implementation. If you’re looking to partner with an expert in POS design, look no further than St. Louis-based Butler Merchandising Systems, LLC. Our organization’s in-house design and manufacturing capabilities open the door to affordable and expertly crafted display materials for any point-of-sale project you have in mind. With Butler Merchandising Systems, Inc. at your side, a great-looking retail space won’t be on your list of concerns.
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