Launching a new product line? Updating your branding or logo? Looking to switch packaging providers for your business? If you found yourself nodding “yes” in response to these questions, this is the custom packaging design guide for you. Simply put, packaging can make or break your bottom line.
The custom packaging design choices you make play a huge role in overall product success, especially when it comes to where your product is primarily being sold. Think about this as you prioritize design elements — this should include things like balancing protection with aesthetics depending on your answer. For example, if the product is sold online and needs to be shipped, the packaging should be lightweight and easy to pack to save time and money. On the other hand, in-store shoppers need a design that catches their eye.
Beyond social media or paid advertising, packaging is one of the most effective branding tools at your disposal. It needs to be creative but also add cohesion to another branding you’ve implemented. Boil your message down to one sentence or a few key phrases and use that to guide your creative design process. Don’t overlook other branding elements in your custom packaging design, like logos, trademarked catchphrases, or other graphics that quickly identify your products and brand for customers.
Large items need simple, streamlined boxes, while fragile products need room for filler to help protect them. Don’t make the mistake of designing packaging without considering the product or even the line of products it belongs to. You want a cohesive look across your inventory catalog for brand visibility purposes, and this is often sacrificed in the name of price. A one-size-fits-all approach to custom packaging will inevitably backfire, especially if it’s deemed too wasteful or unwieldy by discriminating shoppers.
As you travel through the custom packaging design process, build on a foundation of simplicity. This doesn’t mean your packaging has to be boring, but the information you share should be clear, and the visual design shouldn’t distract customers from knowing precisely what you’re selling. That being said, you also need to find a way to stand out from the competition and showcase how your brand is unique. Make your logo visible so shoppers can recognize your brand at the outset, and use thematic design to tie into your marketing.
Ultimately, your packaging needs to tell a story. Now more than ever, your shoppers look online for information before making a purchase. They also share their thoughts and pictures of your product and packaging on social media. Make sure your design is something you’d be proud to show off online and makes sense compared to another product packaging you currently have. This is the age of influencers, and your packaging needs to stand out in oversaturated social media feeds.
Don’t overlook the sustainability of your packaging choices, especially when it’s intended for large, bulky items. Regardless of your organization’s mission and industry, customers are increasingly interested in brands that make eco-friendly choices, right down to their packaging. “Greening” your design can mean using recyclable materials or creating something that can be reused or repurposed to complement the product.
Custom cardboard packaging must be perfectly designed, sized, and executed, using strength, design, color, and typography to your advantage. Custom boxes make it easier to package your product attractively for the customer and give your brand attention as they move through the shipping process. And when the box is attractive and functional, the consumer may keep it for other purposes.
To make this work as a successful packaging design process, you need to work with reputable partners with experience and expertise to turn your vision into a reality. Our designs focus, first and foremost, on structural integrity and aesthetic appeal. We work with you every step of the way, and you receive a full-color prototype before production. When we do our work right, everything lines up to help you sell your product. Talk to us about your custom packaging needs; let us partner with you on this critical aspect of your marketing. Contact us today to get started!
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